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An Interview with Natacha Guyot, Author of Clairvoyance Chronicles

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For the past two years I’ve been following the blog of a young French author and scholar, Natacha Guyot, who already in her young career has published works of both fiction and non-fiction. Clairvoyance Chronicles is her latest fiction offering, and I am honored to be her host today as part of her blog tour to celebrate her latest book. As a writer I am interested in the writing process. Natacha graciously answered the interview questions I sent her, which focused on her creative process.


  • How do you craft your story and characters?

The original ideas come via characters or settings, though most often via the characters. From there, I take a lot of notes and build the world, seeing where things are going until I have a structure I can write from. I like having a solid and detailed structure, but not something that is so tight I can’t make things evolve as the characters surprise me as I write.

  • How much research is involved?

It depends though I am mostly a plotter for fiction. If I write nonfiction, a lot of research and planning happens, but plotting fiction still takes time. Some more recent projects were more on the pantser writing side. Clairvoyance Chronicles took more research for me besides my usual world building because I based it in real life. I had to research some geographical, historical and cultural aspects, especially with characters from so many different backgrounds. It was a different approach for me and it was a learning experience as a writer.

  • How long did it take from idea to finished book?

I had the original concept in 2010 – if I recall correctly. I took notes about some characters and world building then let it stay in a drawer until 2014. When I picked my notes up, it turned into a collection of short stories with more main characters. I worked on outlines in Fall 2014, then was writing the first drafts until Spring 2015. Then came revision and preparing for the November release.

  • Do you have any writing rituals or habits?

Not really. My process is rather organic. The one habit I would really have is being a plotter. Besides enjoying structure, I go with how the muses are working at a given moment. I am unable to write two projects at the same time. I can revise, promote, format several ones simultaneously but if I am in the first writing phase, I must focus on a single project. For years, I also had to have a definitive title if writing. These last two years, I have become more flexible on the topic.

  • What is your favorite theme?

Becoming a better person. Growing as an individual is a theme that always comes up in my projects, fiction or nonfiction. Friends, family and faith are also central themes that run through my work.

  • Do you have a favorite character? Why?

I don’t. It would be like asking a parent who their favorite child is. I love all of them. I even find interest in my villains, although some really scare the hell out of me, especially Keno. I have some characters I like more than others, but picking up a single (or even a trio of) favorite isn’t something I can see myself do.

  • Is Adaira your alter ego?

No, she isn’t. Are there elements of me in her? Yes. Her devotion to her people, her faith and her want of a family are elements important to me too. Yet, I would gravitate more towards Mairi as some vague alter ego, than Adaira. Tania reminds me of me a few years ago.

  • Are any of your life experiences reflected in your book?

I originally came up with the story with Tania as main character, before it evolved into a multiple narrator book. Her studying abroad in London is inspired by my own experience. I even found it amusing to have her live close to where I used to during my time in the UK. Situating some of the scenes in Oxford is also dear to me because I have fond memories of trips there.

  • What do you hope readers take away from your books? This book in particular?

I always hope that my readers have a good time reading my books. I’d like that they feel and think thanks to my stories, whether fiction or nonfiction. In the end, what matters to me most is that they enjoy them, regardless of their personal experience generally speaking. As for Clairvoyance Chronicles, I hope they fall in love with the characters and want to come back to see what happen to them in the next volumes.

  • How do you like to connect with readers?

Social media makes it quite easy to connect. I always enjoy reviews, but exchanging via emails or comments on my blog or other pages is a great way to find out more about my readers and their experiences, too. This is why I do my best to be reachable via several online platforms.


Old enemies never truly disappear. When they return, peace becomes fragile and clans are on the brink of destruction.

 Were Saber-toothed Cat Neyla relives her real-life nightmares upon Keno’s reappearance. Her longtime nemesis is scheming to overthrow the supernatural society. With Keno’s followers growing each day, Fae, Weres, Shifters and others with special gifts, are at risk.

 In these dark times, everyone must join ranks and keep faith in a better tomorrow.

 Unfortunately, the price may be high.

Goodreads page, Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon Canada, Amazon Australia.


Natacha Guyot is a French author, scholar and public speaker. She is passionate about Science Fiction, Fantasy, Transmedia, Gender Studies, Children’s Media and Fan Studies.

She holds two Master’s degrees: Film and Media Studies (Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle) and Digital Culture and Technology (King’s College London). Since 2012, she has been published in several countries and was a guest speaker at academic conferences and university lectures in both Europe and North America.

Her released titles include A Galaxy of Possibilities: Representation and Storytelling in Star Wars, Feminist Bloggers: The 2014 Collection (editor), and La Cité de Sharianth.

Besides her nonfiction and research work, she also writes Science Fiction and Fantasy stories.

She considers herself a feminist, Science Fiction and Fantasy nerd, fangirl, book worm, vidder, gamer and cat lover.

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SOCIAL MEDIA–Here’s how to connect with and support Natacha:


Rave Reviews Spotlight Author April Adams and Inspiration


It is my pleasure to host April Adams, fellow Rave Reviews Book Club member and Spotlight Author. April shares her thoughts about writers’ inspiration. We all need inspiration as well as practical support. I encourage you to show your support for April by following her on Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads. Pick up a copy of her book on Amazon. See April’s links below. While you’re at it, stop by the Rave Reviews website, a great place for authors and readers. If you join, tell RRBC that April sent you. Here is April in her own words.

April Adams

April Adams


How Inspiration Strikes and What I Do About It

Inspiration is a funny thing. It can strike without warning. One minute, I’m sitting there watching my infant being awesome, and the next my mind is swirling with a story line that just sort of blipped into existence! I love those moments. I can understand how the concept of a sentient being called “Muse” came about. It’s almost like a sudden possession. It isn’t there, and then it is! Magic!

Everybody gets inspiration at one time or another. I think what sets apart the thinkers from the doers is just the action one takes when inspired. I don’t let one of those magical moments pass me by. I will stop what I’m doing while the moment is fresh and record it somehow. At times it’s just scribbles on a notebook. Other times I make a voice or text note on my phone. I capture them before they can flit away like shooting stars.

Not every idea I get is worth a novel. Some of them aren’t even worth a short story. At least, not yet. My first book, Shattered, sat in my brain box for a long, long time. Since I was sixteen or so, but it was just an embryo then. Over the years I gathered experience and skills until one day, while watching TV, all of the pieces just fell into place.

One line, spoken by the right actor at the right time, let all the swirling bits coalesce into a beautiful (if I do say so myself) story of epic adventure, tender romance, and magical creatures, with a special twist on the classic good vs evil plotline. Shattered is available through Amazon at in paperback, ebook, and audiobook. The trilogy is complete now, so you won’t have to wait for the next book. I hope you’ll give it a shot. It was definitely inspired.



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Rave Reviews Spotlight Author Ronesa Aveela



As the very first Rave Reviews Spotlight Author, it is always a pleasure for me to host a new Spotlight Author. Today the spotlight is on Ronesa Aveela, author of  Mystical Emona: Soul’s Journey. For all of you history lovers out there, now is your chance to learn a little more about a people who were contemporaries of the Ancient Greeks. And if you haven’t heard about the Rave Reviews Book Club, then mosy on over to the site to check out the club that supports, promotes, and propels members. Tell them that Ronesa sent you. Here she is in her own words.


The Thracians

We knew little about the Thracians when we started to work on “Mystical Emona: Soul’s Journey.” When people mention Thrace, the only heroes who readily come to mind are Hercules, Orpheus, and Spartacus – if even those. But Thrace has a vast history beyond its mythology or the conflict with Rome. We enthusiastically rolled up our sleeves and researched their culture, religion, and customs. Our efforts were reward with a delightful review: “I love that there is a little bit of historical elements in this book, namely the stuff set in ancient Thrace. A history buff myself, it isn’t often I get the chance to read things about Thrace that don’t involve Spartacus. Major props to the writer for creating this wonderful tale.”

Quite often now when we mention the book, people ask, “Where is Thrace?” or “Who were the Thracians? Is that a country?”

So, let’s start with the easy question: “Where is Thrace?” The Thracians lived in southeastern Europe along the Black Sea, in the region that is now modern-day Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey.


“Who were the Thracians” poses a more difficult question. What we can tell you is that they have been around for a long time. Since the people themselves did not have a written language, everything that is known about them comes from other sources. The first historical reference to them was in Homer’s “Iliad,” where it was mentioned that they were allies to the Trojans. But evidence of them as a distinct people exists as far back as 1500 BC.

They were a warlike tribal nation, living in mountains and valleys. But they were also great artisans, finely crafting delicate golden objects and painting beautiful murals.

A polytheistic people, they worshiped the Sun and Moon, both. Bendis, called the Great Goddess, was one of their primary deities. Better known, however, is Dionysus, the god of wine, whom the Greeks incorporated into their religion. It is through the story of Orpheus (you remember him; he went to Hades to retrieve his wife Eurydice) that the tale of this drunken god is probably best known. The story did not end well for Orpheus. The Maenads, followers of Dionysus, tore him apart. Yup, gruesome.

Even today, Bulgaria is known for its wine. Many myths and legends mention Thracian wine. Homer says the most popular wine, one with the best aroma and body, came from the Thracian city of Maroneia. Odysseus also used Thracian wine to put the Cyclops Polyphemus to sleep before he struck the beast in the eye with his spear.

When Christianity crept into the region, the Dionysian cult faded away. But even today the feast of Saint Trifon is celebrated, and the festivities trace back to the cult of Dionysus (for example, pouring wine and electing a king). But, that could be the topic of another entire blog.

“Mystical Emona” was highlighted on October 9 at Boston University during an event called “Bulgarian Voices: Love, Light and Rituals.” It is also available on Amazon US and UK. In addition, we are working on a non-fiction book that will describe many of these Bulgarian customs and others in more detail, as well as their Thracian origins. Look for it in December.



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Twitter: @RebeccaCarter_E

Oh, the Mistakes We’ve Seen!

Kobo Writing Life lists five traps Indie writers should avoid.

Kobo Writing Life

By BlueInk Review

In our mission at BlueInk Review to review self-published books, we’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. While it’s difficult to explain how to create stellar prose – as there’s always a touch of genius involved in the best literature – there’s no secret about where writers go wrong. As our reviews show, authors tend to commit the same writing crimes, book after book.

Below, we have compiled excerpts from the more than 2,000 reviews we’ve done, each of which expose common writing blunders. So what makes the bad review rear its dreaded, beastly head? Here are five traps you should avoid at all costs:

1. Writing rife with spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors

The fact that this is at the top of the list is both discouraging and heartening: discouraging because, let’s face it writers, a book should be free of all spelling…

View original post 933 more words

Spotlight Author Margo Bond Collins

To support Rave Reviews Book Club, which seeks to promote author members, my post today features the club’s third spotlight author.  Rave Reviews Book Club is a new online club for authors and readers. As the first Spotlight Author I experienced firsthand the incredible promotional benefits of membership. I met so many fellow authors during my time in the spotlight as well as bloggers with something important to say, many of whom I am now following. Don’t miss this opportunity to join a young organization as it takes root and grows.

Check it out at Follow the club on Twitter @Rave_ReviewsBC.

Rave Reviews Book Club – “SPOTLIGHT” Author, Margo Bond Collins            

Spotlight author logo2CONGRATULATIONS to Margo Bond Collins, Rave Reviews Book Club “SPOTLIGHT” AUTHOR of the week!

Margo’s recently released “Fairy, Texas” on February 4, 2014.

Check out the following synopsis AND a special “sneak peek” excerpt!

(Our RRBC interview questions with Margo can be found at the bottom of the page.)

Fairy, Texas. A small town like any other.

Laney Harris didn’t want to live there. When her mother remarried and moved them to a town where a date meant hanging out at the Sonic, Laney figured that “boring” would have a whole new meaning. A new stepsister who despised her and a high school where she was the only topic of gossip were bad enough. But when she met the school counselor (and his terminal bad breath), she grew suspicious. Especially since he had wings that only she could see. And then there were Josh and Mason, two gorgeous glimmering-eyed classmates whose interest in her might not be for the reasons she hoped. Not to mention that dead guy she nearly tripped over in gym class.

She was right. Boring took on an entirely new dimension in Fairy, Texas.

Buy Fairy, Texas

Amazon (Kindle):



I was partnered with Mason Collier, the infamous football-playing, cute, but possibly black-magicky friend-of-Bartlef I’d heard about at lunch. I looked around and saw a guy waving at me from across the room. He was looking at me kind of like he was hungry and maybe I was breakfast. It worried me.

Still, at least I hadn’t been paired up with Kayla. It could have been much worse.

“Okay,” Carlson said. “Go ahead and meet with your partner and plan your strategy.”

Mason and I stood up at the same time and walked toward each other. I was so busy making sure I didn’t trip over any desks that I didn’t see Kayla headed toward me until she was right in front of me. And then she leaned in close to my face and hissed at me. “Don’t get too cozy. He’s way out of your league.”

I rolled my eyes and moved around her without responding. Three days. Three days I’d been in Fairy, and already I had an enemy. And I lived in her house. My life kept getting better and better.

Mason and I met in the middle of the room. Kayla and her friends huddled nearby, watching us.

“Hey,” Mason said.

“Hey.” Nice, neutral word, hey. Can mean almost anything. Or nothing.

“So,” he said, “where do you want to start?”

He was asking me? Where I wanted to start was away from here, where there weren’t any dead boys to trip over.

So much for that option.


About the Author

 Margo Bond Collins is the author of a number of novels, including Waking Up Dead, Fairy, Texas, and Legally 

MargoBondCollinsUndead (forthcoming in 2014). She lives in Texas with her husband, their daughter, and several spoiled pets. She teaches college-level English courses online, though writing fiction is her first love. She enjoys reading urban fantasy and paranormal fiction of any genre and spends most of her free time daydreaming about vampires, ghosts, zombies, werewolves, and other monsters.

Connect with Margo

Amazon Author Page:



Twitter:  @MargoBondCollin


Goodreads Author Page:

Facebook Author Page:

Facebook Novel Page:



Manic Readers:

Be sure to add Fairy, Texas to your Goodreads bookshelves:

RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB is pleased to announce a new Facebook ”Question of the Day!” In an online Scavenger Hunt, participants will need to find the daily answer SOMEWHERE on the many Blog Tour Host sites! Please LIKE our FB page and play along:
Margo’s questions & answers on THIS site:
Rave Reviews Book Club:  How much research was involved in writing ”Fairy, Texas”?
Margo Bond Collins: Relatively little. I’m a college professor in my other life, so most of my research energy goes into academic writing.
RRBC: How long did it take from idea to finished book?
M.B.C.: About two months to write it, a month to edit it, and three years to get around to sending it out to a publisher!
THANK YOU for stopping by! To read different posts, including different excepts from ”Fairy, Texas” and character profiles, please visit all Blog Tour Hosts as found on: www.RaveReviewsByNonnieJules.

From Rave Reviews Book Club: Katie Hayoz

Sharing with you Rave Reviews Book Club 2nd “SPOTLIGHT” AUTHOR, KATIE HAYOZ!!!

That Novel Will Never Be Perfect

From Katie Hayoz


I’m not a perfectionist.  Little mistakes don’t bother me.  But when it comes to my writing, I take pride in what I do and I want what I put out there to be not just decent, but good.  I rewrote Untethered at least eighteen times.  Literally.  And I’m talking full-on, rip-it-up and make do with the shreds kind of rewriting, not moving sentences around. What started as a five page story ended up (20 years later) to be a 340 page novel.  That novel went through so many critiquing sessions and beta readers that I was sure it would be perfection by the time it was published.

Ha.  Not quite.

Writing is art, and like all art there is a point where the person creating the work just has to stop. She just has to tell herself that particular piece is the best she can make it right then.  That’s the sticker: right then.  Because the truth is that you can always go back and make it better.  There will always be holes you missed or mistakes you made or words that paint a clearer picture.  But if you keep going back and going back and going back you never move on.  Never get on to the next book; the one that first one prepared you for.

My dad paints watercolor. I can’t tell you the number of times he’s looked at a picture of his, already framed and on the wall, and said, “Why did I think this was finished? This whole section could use reworking.”  My mom rolls her eyes.  I understand.  I totally do.

But there was a point when I just had to quit trying to make Untethered perfect.   A point where my writing group and my family and friends said, “Stop already!”  So I did.  I’m proud of this novel — the characters, the world, the writing itself.  However, that didn’t keep me from face-palming myself after its publication.  There were things that I see now that I couldn’t see then.  It kills me.  And yet…

And yet I could go in, change it all and six months from now I’d be face-palming myself again.  So, I’ve left it as is.  I’ve moved onto another novel.  It’s finished; sort of.  I’ve done three drafts – three pick away the fleshy parts and gnaw on the bone drafts.  I’ll rewrite it one more time. Then I’ll need to tell myself, “Stop already!  That novel will never be perfect.”

But I’m hoping it will be damn good.

*Katie Hayoz was born in Racine, WI, USA but ended up in Geneva, Switzerland, where she lives with her husband, two daughters, and two fuzzy cats. She devours YA novels like she does popcorn and black licorice: quickly and in large quantities.

Untethered is a paranormal coming of age novel that follows 16-year-old Sylvie on a unique and slightly sinister journey of self-acceptance. Sylvie has an ability to leave her physical body and astral project. While it could be akin to a superpower, she sees it as a curse.  That is, until the day she decides to play with its dark side. Sylvie then sets an evil plan in motion that she believes will change her life for the better.  But she does not count on it spiraling out of control.

Connect with Katie

On her website:

On Twitter:

On Facebook:

Buy Untethered on Amazon:

(Thank you to Rave Reviews Book Club and all the members who so generously agreed to host me on their site!)

RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB is pleased to announce a new Facebook “Question of the Day!” In an online Scavenger Hunt, participants will need to find the daily answer SOMEWHERE on the many Blog Tour Host sites! Please LIKE our FB page and play along:
Katie’s questions & answers on THIS site:
RRBC What can you tell us about what we’ll see from you next?
Katie HayozI’ve just finished a dark fantasy – the first of my Roanoke series called “The Mask Between Us.”  It explores degrees of evil, the depth of love, the lure of revenge and scarcity of redemption.
RRBC:  Rave Reviews Book Club has a mission to help Indie Authors get reviews.  Why are reviews so important to an author?
Katie Hayoz:  I think reviews play a good part in the discoverability of an author.  It helps with word-of-mouth, and it gives an author credibility.
Thanks to all my readers for stopping by supporting Katie Hayoz!  She’s cute as a button, isn’t she?  And a talent in the writing department as well.  Please visit ALL Blog Tour hosts found on RaveReviewsByNonnieJules “Spotlight Authors” Page!
