Kathryn C. Treat, Author: Has Life Passed You By?


As  a member of the Rave Reviews Book Club, I am always happy to support a fellow member’s RRBC blog tour. Today I have the pleasure of hosting Kathryn C. Treat, author of Allergic to Life: My Battle for Survival, Courage, and Hope. Kathryn is the RRBC Membership Director and a very dear friend. We met in 2003 at Dr. Rea’s clinic, the Envrionmental Health Center-Dallas, where Kathryn was treated for mold exposure and I, for pesticide poisoning. We bonded then and have been friends ever since.

Kathryn’s book shines a spotlight on multiple chemical sensitivity and the precautions that must be taken to avoid further exposure. Her story is one of determination and courage. You can support Kathryn by purchasing her book on Amazon or Barnes and Noble and following her on Twitter, Google, and Facebook. Better yet, join Kathryn at Rave Reviews Book Club. It’s an experience you won’t want to miss. Tell them Kathryn sent you. Here is Kathryn in her own words.

Book Cover


“I pray to God for answers. I ask for His support and encouragement. If I have to live in this pain, in this bubble, in this life of isolation and loneliness the rest of my life, I don’t know what I will do.

Recently I was in contact with a friend who is also a mold survivor.  We talked about isolation.  In fact isolation seems to be a general topic and matter of woe among fellow mold sufferers and those suffering from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).

I soon began to realize that once my life had changed and I was no longer able to attend indoor functions, be among large crowds, go shopping or out to lunch, I also wasn’t being called or visited.  A majority of my treatment took me far away from home to Dallas, TX.  The longer I was there, the less I heard from others.  It was hard going through all that I went through by myself.  I thought when I finally came home, I would be totally well and everything would be the same as it always was.  I soon began to realize what it must feel like for a soldier to return after many months away at battle.


I also began realizing what soldiers must feel like after returning from an extended tour of duty. How do you assimilate back into your life? Things keep going on and moving forward but you aren’t there to participate in the moving forward. People carry on conversations but you feel like you were dropped in the middle of a story without access to the beginning. So you just sit there, and you listen but don’t speak.

Things were different when I returned home.  I was still sick and still not able to visit in the homes of friends or go out.  So much had happened after being gone for almost a year (2003) that I felt lost in conversations.  Someone would talk about something that had happened and I wouldn’t have the faintest idea what they were talking about because I hadn’t been there, hadn’t been involved in life at home and hadn’t witnessed changes that took place.  In this depressed state I wrote:

Life Passes Her By

She sits and stares out the window and she doesn’t recognize anything

Life has passed her by and nothing is the same

Where was she when all this happened?  She was here but

Life passed her by

Buildings were built and buildings were torn down

People arrived and left;

People were born and others died

Life passed her by

People divorced and others married;

People found new jobs and new hobbies

Where was she—she was there but she did not participate in life

It passed her by

She reaches out but touches nothing;

Life is just past her grasp

She stretches and bends and tries again

But life passes her by

She talks to people but it is a jumble to understand what they say

The life she missed is just out of her reach

Life passed her by

Life may pass us by but we can choose to keep letting it pass us by or we can choose to find a way to stretch a little further and grab hold of it.  We can choose to find a way to participate again.  Is life passing you by?  What can you do to reach and grab hold of it?

Kathryn and her husband, Rick.

Kathryn and her husband, Rick.

Allergic to Life can be purchased at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  Signed copies may be purchased at Kathryn’s website.

Connect with Kathryn:





allergictolifemybattle or BeMyGuest

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About jsherwin2013

Jennie has a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s degree in counseling. She is the author of Intentional Healing: One Woman’s Path to Higher Consciousness and Freedom from Environmental and Other Chronic Illnesses and is a contributing writer to Conscious Life News. She has been a teacher of English on the junior high school and senior high school levels, as well as a writer and editor in the field of public health. She has mentored writers and editors. She is certified in Reiki I and II and has studied energy therapies at A Healing Place in Richardson, Texas, working under the direction of Deborah Singleton and her healing team. Jennie also acknowledges the guidance of Christine Gregg, Australian spirit reader and healer, and Maya Page, intuitive healer, Reiki Master, and VortexHealing® practitioner, now retired. Jennie lives in Baltimore, Maryland, with her husband, Roger, a retired physician and epidemiologist. They provide editorial services to university researchers in the fields of medicine and public health. Her son, Colin, lives and works in New York City with his wife, Colleen.

43 responses to “Kathryn C. Treat, Author: Has Life Passed You By?”

  1. Kathryn Chastain Treat says :

    Thank you Jennie for hosting me through my Rave Reviews Book Club “Spotlight” Author blog tour and your friendship. Rave Reviews Book Club has afforded me so many wonderful things.

  2. Kathryn Chastain Treat says :

    Reblogged this on allergictolifemybattle and commented:
    I am so excited to be a part of Rave Reviews Book Club and to be featured as a “Spotlight” Author. Thank you Jennie for hosting me on my blog tour. Thank you Rave Reviews Book Club for the honor.

  3. jsherwin2013 says :

    Kathy: It is a pleasure to host you on my blog. Congratulations on your Rave Reviews Book Club spotlight and best wishes for your blog tour. Jennie

  4. Colleen says :

    Kathryn certainly makes a powerful point. When I was first disabled with MCS — it wasn’t the hives/migraines/throat closing off — that made me feel like I had lost my sense of self. It was summed up by one of my colleagues when she commented to another colleague, “It is as if Colleen just disappeared.” Being an introvert it was a tough go but I stopped waiting for people to reach out to me. I reached out to others through my blog. I speak to people when they walk up my street. 😀 I love following Kathryn’s blog. She does a great job of showing how to go from depressed and isolated to vibrant and purposeful.

    • jsherwin2013 says :

      Colleen: I know exactly what you mean. Illness can make us disappear to many people, and it is up to us to reach out and stay connected on the one hand. On the other, true friends never let their friends disappear. They stay with us and persist, even when we are too tired to hold up our heads. Jennie

      • Colleen says :

        I agree. It is amazing what a few of my friends have gone through to detox their houses and themselves so that we can remain in each other’s lives. ❤

    • Kathryn Chastain Treat says :

      Colleen, Thank you for a wonderful comment.

  5. reviewsbynonnie says :

    First, Jennie…that was the most beautiful lead intro into a blog post that I think I’ve ever read. Thank you for that! Kathryn, what a nice post. Great job. I am already enjoying your tour. It really helps when the author takes the time to make the posts interesting for the readers. You are doing a marvelous job in that department. Kudos, Ladies of RRBC!

  6. reanolanmartin says :

    this shows you how many different kinds of courage there are! thanks for sharing this story, kathryn and jennie!

  7. johnapriest says :

    Thanks Jennie for the feature on Kathryn, it’s very moving. Kathryn, you’re right; grab life with both hands and stop it from passing by, think of the positives and enjoy life as fully as possible.

  8. harmonykentonline says :

    What a lovely and heartfelt post, Kathryn. Jennie, I love your blog! Good luck to both you fine ladies! :))

  9. sondasmcschatter says :


  10. Kenneth J Kerr says :

    Jennie, you did a great job with your post of Kathryn’s story, and you have a wonderful blog. Kathryn, what an amazing story. How can anyone not be influenced by your story. I am delighted you and your story were chosen for the SPOTLIGHT exposure. Congratulations to you both.

  11. Bette A. Stevens says :

    Great post, Kathryn. Wonderful photo of you and Rick, too! Thanks for hosting for Kathryn’s SPOTLIGHT TOUR w/ RaveReviewsBooksClub. Like RRBC, you are both AWESOME. 🙂 Bette p.s.Recommend ALLERGIC TO LIFE as an informative and eye-opening read to everyone living in today’s world! 🙂

  12. Bill Ward says :

    Kathyryn, I find your words very moving and motivating. Enjoy your well deserved time in the Spotlight.

  13. jinlobify says :

    Congrats again here, Kathryn. I have not read the full account of your story, but I will surely have it on my “to read” list.

  14. Nicholas C. Rossis says :

    A powerful story and a powerful poem!

  15. danicacornell says :

    This was a WONDERFUL post! Thank you, Jennie, for hosting Kathryn – your intro was splendid! (I’m taking notes over here!) And Kathryn, I know you’ve been through so much, but you have an extended family here at RRBC. We love you and are here to support you and cheer you on. Sharing your story is no doubt helping others. I hope you’ve enjoyed your SPOTLIGHT week, sweetie. You certainly deserve this honor! xoxo 🙂

  16. Marlena H. says :

    Wonderful post, Kathryn!! Thank you, Jennie, for hosting Kathryn and offering your incredible support!

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  1. Has Life Passed You By? | Be My Guest - July 21, 2014

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